Friday, September 19, 2008

End of Summer Update!

Summer's over and boys are back in school! Shaun had a rough start though, since he caught pneumonia right before prep-week at school. Man, did that boy SUFFER!! He was puking, had migraines, chills, coughing, everything. I thought he had the flu, but then the coughing started so I brought him in. Then they hooked him up to IV's - morphine, anti-nausea, saline solution, antibiotics, etc. Here is a picture of him just before the sickness started. I should have known, as he normally LOVES pizza.

Hehe. Anyways, he is all better now. Well, mostly better - his energy is ALMOST up there, although he's been pretty tired.

Shaun is back at work, teaching reading/writing this year to his 5th grader's. Last year he taught Math and didn't like it as much. I start classes next week on Monday and am getting a little worried as I glance through my VERY EXPENSIVE textbooks - Calculus, Surveying, Engineering Problem-Solving, and Chemistry. Hmmm, maybe I'm taking too many classes at once. I guess we'll see in a couple of weeks! This summer has been pretty nice for me, I've had a lot of time to do the things I wanted to do - actually, I spent a lot of time cooking/baking :) OH, I also straightened my hair for the first time in like a year!! My hair is a lot longer straight.

Yes, so maybe I have had too much time on my hands :) :)

We did spend some time at the beach (sort of beach since it is at the Columbia River). We found a couple new spots that are really nice ... although I'm a bit worried about the pollution in the water. Here is Jack all covered in sand:

And here he is looking really creepy:

I'm actually really proud of Jack right now. Since I've known him he has always been deathly afraid of spiders. Well, the other day, I hear him in the bathroom say "Katteeee, there's a spider in the tub." So, I'm like "Go get a glass and catch it, and then let it outside". And he did! He actually thought it was a little cute. And it was a BIG spider!

Oh yeah, and here my mom is all dressed up as a lady from the olden days. She volunteered for it, at the fort. Hehe. This pic looks like her hair is on fire! That guy next to him is supposed to be her olden day husband.

Anyways, that's the update!