Friday, December 12, 2008

Done with Finals!!

It's so weird being back in school - especially since this time around I'm taking completely different classes. I have a BA in Communication Studies already, and am now going for a BS in some type of Engineering (probably civil or structural). This quarter I took Calculus, Chemistry, Surveying, and an Intro Engineering class. I think I got all A's!! I am trying hard because I want scholarships (and I am kind of a perfectionist heh heh).

This fall was a bit rough. Shaun got sick like 5 times, then twisted his ankle (which sucks cause he's a runner). Then I got sick for a week and a half. Ugh. At least the bathroom is mostly done being remodled by Shaun the Super-Handyman - just need the light fixture up and the door to be framed and such. Here's a couple pics:

We did all the tiling ourselves (shower and floor), drywall, put in a new sink and toilet, and bought all the furnishings at IKEA. I love IKEA - they have such CUTE stuff for really good prices! I still need to re-finish the bathtub ... will probably do that sometime during my break (I don't start school again until January 5th).

I've got a bunch of projects to do over break ... one of them being make Oscar a new little cardboard playhouse .... his other one is sagging a bit. Good thing we have the Christmas tree up already for him to play under! He LOVES hiding under there and eating the branches. OMG, here is a picture of our tree when Shaun first put it up - it did NOT want to stay up straight!

We all went outside and took our picture in front of the big blue pine in our side yard - it's going on my Christmas cards this year. Oscar, of course, was included :)

And I thought this was a great picture (I took it while we were figuring out where to take the Christmas pic):

And, of course, here's a few pictures of Oscar taken recently ... eating flowers and begging for petting :)

Thank you Mala for tagging me and reminding me that I'm a slacker and need to update (I'm good about reading blogs, just not writing them)! I'm supposed to list 7 facts about myself, some random, some weird! I'm also supposed to tag people ... but I'm not sure actually how many people that read this actually HAVE blogs, so I'm not going to do that part :) Here they are:

1. Growing up, my family and I used to go on 2 week backpacking trips where we would eat nothing but cheese, salami, and Ack-Mak crackers every day, as well as hike about 10 miles a day.

2. I lived in Paris for a year and was a nanny to a family ... I miss the bread, cheese, and museums :(

3. I grew up on a pseudo-farm and have plucked a chicken before! Really gross!

4. I was in gymnastics in high school. Can't do ANY of that stuff anymore though! Heck no!!

5. I love to bake desserts - this past thanksgiving I made a Yule Log Cake with a Marscopone filling and a chocolate ganache icing. Also made a chocolate swirl New York cheesecake.

6. There always seems to be some sort of drama in my life (maybe it's because both my sisters live in town ....)

7. I love watching UFC (ultimate fighter) fights ... they are way cool :)

That's it! Thanks : ) Kate

Friday, September 19, 2008

End of Summer Update!

Summer's over and boys are back in school! Shaun had a rough start though, since he caught pneumonia right before prep-week at school. Man, did that boy SUFFER!! He was puking, had migraines, chills, coughing, everything. I thought he had the flu, but then the coughing started so I brought him in. Then they hooked him up to IV's - morphine, anti-nausea, saline solution, antibiotics, etc. Here is a picture of him just before the sickness started. I should have known, as he normally LOVES pizza.

Hehe. Anyways, he is all better now. Well, mostly better - his energy is ALMOST up there, although he's been pretty tired.

Shaun is back at work, teaching reading/writing this year to his 5th grader's. Last year he taught Math and didn't like it as much. I start classes next week on Monday and am getting a little worried as I glance through my VERY EXPENSIVE textbooks - Calculus, Surveying, Engineering Problem-Solving, and Chemistry. Hmmm, maybe I'm taking too many classes at once. I guess we'll see in a couple of weeks! This summer has been pretty nice for me, I've had a lot of time to do the things I wanted to do - actually, I spent a lot of time cooking/baking :) OH, I also straightened my hair for the first time in like a year!! My hair is a lot longer straight.

Yes, so maybe I have had too much time on my hands :) :)

We did spend some time at the beach (sort of beach since it is at the Columbia River). We found a couple new spots that are really nice ... although I'm a bit worried about the pollution in the water. Here is Jack all covered in sand:

And here he is looking really creepy:

I'm actually really proud of Jack right now. Since I've known him he has always been deathly afraid of spiders. Well, the other day, I hear him in the bathroom say "Katteeee, there's a spider in the tub." So, I'm like "Go get a glass and catch it, and then let it outside". And he did! He actually thought it was a little cute. And it was a BIG spider!

Oh yeah, and here my mom is all dressed up as a lady from the olden days. She volunteered for it, at the fort. Hehe. This pic looks like her hair is on fire! That guy next to him is supposed to be her olden day husband.

Anyways, that's the update!

Friday, August 8, 2008


This summer has been verrrrrry nice so far ... maybe because I'm not working :) :) After I left my job, Shaun, Jack and I left Oscar for almost 2 weeks to go to Michigan to visit Shaun's family (my brother Jack took care of Oscar while we were gone). We had a lovely time - played a lot of Scrabble, visited with the Amish folk, ate A LOT of good food, and took some nice walks. It was very relaxing and I'm looking forward to next year's trip!
Here are some pictures from the trip:

Jack's cousin Jamelia with Shaun at one of the Great Lake's beach.

Me after climbing up a huge sand dune!

Jack and Shaun on a hike.

Some Amish children on a little cart with pony. So cute!!

We've been hanging out with Oscar a lot this summer. He has been very cute. This evening I brought him outside with me in the backyard so he could run around (on his leash of course) while Shaun and I played Scrabble. Poor little dear was so scared he jumped on my shoulder and perched there for most of the time. He's such a nervous creature. I think he was relieved to be back inside after that.

Here's a picture of Oscar the other night - lounging out while Shaun read Harry Potter to Jack:

Not so good news about Oscar getting a friend. Apparently, he has to be neutered first. I thought it would be OK if we adopted a girl rabbit who was already fixed ... but the lady at the adoption place said it wouldn't be very nice for her since Oscar would always be, well, on her. So, we have to get him in to have some surgery. I'm hesitant about it because rabbits are such nervous creatures ... and I'm scared of him having a heart attack or something if he has to have surgery. They would put him under, but still. Plus, the surgery is about $100 ... we will see.

One more thing - Shaun built and AWESOME picnic table last week! It's 8 feet long and way super cool. Here's a pic:


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New House for Oscar!!

Finally! It's all done!! Shaun worked really, really, really hard and completed Oscar's new bachelor pad. It's pretty snazzy. Half table-half rabbit cage. Here it is:

Definitely fits in well with our living room. I'm very proud of Shaun - he did an EXCELLENT job. He got lots of kisses for all his hard work ;)

Here's Oscar saying thank you:

He is just the CUTEST!!! Speaking of cute (hehe), Jack had his 9th birthday on May 28th. We celebrated with PRESENTS and a cake. Jack had a birthday party with friends at his mom's house (which I think ended up being a sugar-infested movie watching event). Here are a couple pics from his bday! He has really sprouted up ... pretty soon he will be taller than me :( :(

I have more pictures that I want to post, but will do so later. I have some more job-hunting to do ... not really looking forward to it :( :( The weather here is still acting like March ... even though it's JUNE!!! I'm getting a little tired of the 50-60 degrees weather - come on!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Psycho Dino

OK, first off, I have to share this picture. Bad Rabbit is going through my purse - most likely looking for little treats ... or what he considers treats (scraps of paper, mostly). Speaking of treats, Oscar has taken to becoming VERY excited about his new treats. They are just a bunch of seeds, dried fruit, etc - but he seriously FREAKS OUT when it is time for him to have his munchies. All I have to say is TREEEAAATTSSS, and he starts running circles round me. Very cute. Anyways, here is the picture:

A couple weekends ago, Annie, little Jack, and I went to OMSI (great fun). They had a Dinosaur exhibit going on, so we decided to check it out. No real dinosaurs, just bones :( :( We did see a seriously psycho/freaky dino .... I wonder if he was teased by all the other dinosaurs :( :( We sure did tease him (we are SO MEAN!!!).

Here are Annie and Jack at lunch (I swear they are same age) ....

And lastly, Jack and I (he is such a cutie):

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Castle (sort of)

Today Jack and I decided to built Rabbit a playhouse (see below). I know it doesn't look like much, but it took us over an hour to build, and we are quite pleased with the result. Muffin likes it too - he came out of his cage and circled the cardboard castle for a few minutes ... then ventured inside. We've heard a few nibbles here and there, so we assume he likes the taste as well.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

I decided to start this blog because of a very mischievous rabbit that has been a part of my family for over a year now. He is a sweetie pie, but can sometimes try the nerves of my boyfriend Shaun (and, I have to admit, me). I often give a sigh of relief that we no longer live in an apartment, so there are no neighbors to hear Shaun's frequent screams of "RAAABBBEEEEEEEET" and "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT" when Oscar decides to misbehave.

However, I am not so sure that his shouting can't be heard from the sidewalk outside ... I wonder sometimes if passerby's think that there is a high volume "disagreement" going on inside our home. How embarrassing would that be if someone called the police for domestic violence or something to that effect!! My poor rabbit would be taken away in chains!! Or be turned into a stew ...

Anyways, here is a picture of me and my three boys (Jack, Shaun, and Oscar)!